About This Project

This project began as a desire to write something for NaNoWriMo, but after realizing that as a college student (not an English major, no less), writing a novel would be a huge time-waster if I had one month to do it. So instead, I started this blog as a way to interact with the readers, much like NaNoWriMo encourages one to do. The perk to this is that I set my own deadlines.

What began as an idea for a music video I had eventually gave rise to this project. The original idea was to have certain things happen from the perspective of a person who has extreme empathic tendencies so much so that he or she puts him- or herself into situations he or she is not actually in. This, of course, was a visual idea and somehow had to be converted into words. As such, I created a narrator that, although personally attending all the events, has very little to actually do with them. In essence, he is a glorified observer who represents the common man. He isn’t a main character; he’s a support.

I’m a cynical person, so of course I try my hardest to make things different from the normal good vs. evil. In some ways, I can see this project going in an evil vs. greater evil kind of story, but we will see as I move forward. Since this is a blog, you will get to see how I process all the characters, the plot, and everything in between. I hope to make this a more interactive experience for everyone.

Enjoy your stay on this blog, and look forward to hearing your feedback!

Thanks for reading!

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